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Scan the following QR Code and follow the directions to join via Facebook:

What is the ENO?

Burns Science Technology School’s Eagles Nest Organization (ENO) is a community of parents, teachers, staff, students, and vested partners representing individuals who strive to accomplish the following:

•Coordinate volunteer efforts for school needs

•Organize and facilitate fundraising efforts to improve our school and community

•Sponsor and host school events to spotlight our talented students, teachers, and community partners

•Act as the vehicle for communications to/from parents, teachers, students, and community

Who can join the ENO?

All parents, students, teachers, staff, community members, vested partners and extended families can join the ENO.  There are no limits to what you can do to help and your help is greatly needed.

You are the ENO!!!!

How do I join the ENO?

Joining the ENO is simple.  There are no dues or membership fees.  The only requirement is to complete the ENO Parent Participation Form along with the Raptor Volunteer Signup* found at the links below.  Return the ENO Parent Participation Form to the  Following background check, you will be contacted based on your preferences selected.



ENO Parent Participation Form

Raptor Volunteer Signup* (Must be completed online, see homepage)

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